The utility community hosted by WEF for the National Wastewater Surveillance System
Four steps to becoming part of a wastewater-based surveillance program
A podcast highlighting utility experiences with wastewater surveillance
Videos featuring wastewater professionals and their journey with wastewater surveillance
Details related to how detecting specific pathogens in wastewater can affect your system operations
Recognizing utilities leading the way in wastewater surveillance for public health
Information about our programs for small, rural, tribal, and territorial communities
A compilation of utility challenges related to wastewater surveillance program participation
Strategies, best practices, and resources for initiating and sustaining utility partnerships
A series of videos explaining all things wastewater
Ideas for engaging with your local wastewater professional organization
Summary of ELC-funded jurisdictions dashboards and data normalization methods
WEF's two pilot programs to evaluate rapid wastewater testing methods for SARS-CoV-2 and other respiratory pathogens
Free workshops, customized virtual and in-person training programs, and the one-day Wastewater Disease Surveillance Summit
U.S. case studies showing how wastewater data has helped inform public health decisions
Frequently asked questions about a wide range of wastewater topics
Articles, opinion pieces, and reports from major media outlets, scientific journals, and government agencies
Wastewater surveillance infographics from various non-profit organizations, and governmental agencies
Journal articles, reports, and guidance documents for wastewater and environmental surveillance